Things you can do for someone who lost their baby

A thread
Bring them dinner. Whether it’s take out or something to pop in the oven. I didn’t want to cook (or really eat) but it helped me take care of myself. Also starting a meal train HUGE help.
COMFORT ITEMS!!! A soft blanket, comfy pjs, happy movies, comfort food, a journal, etc
Be there for them. Even if it’s just coming over to clean the kitchen while they lay on the couch silent. Its appreciated and it means a lot.
Let them talk. Yes it might feel awkward. You might not know the right words to say, but neither do they. Talking about their baby and you recognizing they were still a person is EVERYTHING
Don’t forget about dads. A lot of times they suffer silently or don’t get recognition on their grief. It’s such a kind gesture to bring them something they love as well.
Respect boundaries. If they don’t want to share details, show pictures, or talk about it at that time—LET IT GO
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