life with a border collie : sitting at my desk, trying to work. hear a THUMP. look down to see this red toy dropped at my feet
think to myself, where did he get that? i haven’t seen it in ages. play with him for a couple of minutes and then tell him i have to work, so he takes his toy and goes. 2 minutes later i hear a THUMP and look down to see the rope toy this time
play with him for a couple of minutes then tell him i have to work. go to get a drink of water and see he has found and upended the toy basket (which is where he got the old red toy from). and he’s put one of dog’s old shoes and a gardening glove in the basket for good measure
sit back at my desk again, a moment later there is another THUMP. it’s the crab this time, his most favourite toy. ok i really better get up and play now!!
ok now we have satisfied the play requirements he has agreed to a small amount of quiet time #jock
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