At this point in our history, it's not about party....this isn't a trade deal gone bad. It's decades and decades of government wrong-doing that extended generations. That he thinks it's a game is a problem
And let me be super clear.....the NDP the Bloc, and etc? they aren't off the hook either. This is a shame the whole of government inherits, they were and all part of the problem and they are all responsible for the solution.
And just for context....thanks @HarrysNotes for the reference. His claim about Trudeau Senior is factually incorrect as well. Revisionist history is just another word for lie.
And just in case it needs to be said? No, the residential schools weren't just a bad idea created with good intentions. They were never well intended by standards of today or of a 100 years ago.....never. There's a reason we had a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
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