Alright anons, here’s one for you. Chris Miller’s picture via the DOD Twitter page struck me as interesting. I was immediately drawn to his “RANGERS” hat. Interestingly enough the Rangers motto is “Ranger’s lead the way.” We’ll get back to the Ranger’s later. I’ve been doing some
analysis of the military piece to this whole thing because it’s been said a lot lately “Military is the only way.” So after seeing his hat I decided to dig into the 10th mountain division which Q mentioned in drop 4414. I first started with Wikipedia
because sometimes it can give you good info to dig further into. Little did I know I’d hit the jackpot. I came across the operations 10th mountain division has been apart of as I was scrolling. Immediately “Operation Upholding Democracy” caught my eye.
I was interested to see who was involved and what took place. First we’ll cover what occurred then we’ll cover who was involved. Multiple elements of the military were called upon and utilized in order to overthrow a military regime that took over Haiti via a Coup D’état.
This had to do with an election y’all. They were given an ultimatum to either accept the people’s choice of Father Jean- Bertrand Aristide or accept the consequences of the US aiding in forcibly obtaining justice. Interesting that we are experiencing a Coup D’état as well.
Sounds a lot like what we are facing with our election results. Don’t worry it gets better. 10th Mountain Division worked alongside the 75th Ranger Regiment AND their lead element in the air was... none other than the 82nd AIRBORNE DIVISION. Who do we know that was part of the
82nd Airborne Division one might ask? General Flynn, and the new Acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue. They are also the unit that told us to watch as the storm unfolds this week (8 days ago). Cue Winter storm Flynn. Okay back to the operation. It also states that some
of the elements were staged out of “Guantanamo Bay Naval Base”. The Marine Corps was also involved which our friend has referenced several times to include asking us to dig into what power he has specifically over the Marines that he doesn’t over any other branch.
(They can be used as a 911 force if you weren’t aware). Could these units / this operation repeat in our country here shortly? No coincidences.
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