So one of the big articles of faith that is keeping the conspiracy theories alive right now as Trump loses again and again is that the point of what's happening right now isn't about who gets to be president (because that's not in doubt to them), but "waking people up".
There's a well-circulated thread that argues that the reason Fox called Arizona so much earlier than anybody else is that all the media both left and right was being used by the Patriots In Control to maximize viewership, and that meant riling up their viewing base.
The idea was that this was creating high drama that would maximize viewership for when the big reveal happened... but of course it didn't. It didn't happen. That's okay! Because here comes clown lawyer Sidney Powell with her ridiculous bad legal filings.
And now we've got dueling slates of electors and a showdown set for January 6th (except not really, only one of them is valid, and both houses of Congress would have to agree to reject the valid ones before there's any actual question in Congress, but, you know.)
But the *idea* is, at some point when the Patriots In Control have decided that enough people are watching, *then* they'll reveal the evidence, not just of voter fraud but of all kinds of illuminati shenanigans that have been riling these folks up since "Pizzagate" and before.
And the evidence will be so shocking and yet indisputable that we'll all join the conspiracy theorists in calling for the 100% unconstitutional military dictatorship that will kill everybody they don't like, and this will usher in a new golden age.
Where they *should* be starting to worry about this, and some of them are, is they already think the "evidence" that has been presented is shocking and irrefutable, and yet, most people have to even be told what it's supposed to be evidence of, and we're not convinced.
None of it is secret! None of the hidden stuff they think is going to shock us is secret! They have literally been talking about it in public for years. But it's all... nothing. "Spirit Cooking" was performance art. Wayfair wasn't shipping kids inside of cabinets.
Comet Ping-Pong serves actual pizza, not murdered children, and doesn't have a basement. The confluence of powerful people who have been there are because it's an event space in the actual capital city of the republic.
If you don't follow this stuff then some of the buzzwords I'm tossing off here might well mean literally nothing to you, but if you look at the QAnon "research" on them... they'll still mean nothing to you because it's a lot of nothing connected with metaphorical red string.
"Oh but the Podesta email had a reference to a 'pizza-related map'! How do you explain that if it's not pedophile trafficking code?"

I mean, I don't explain it. But that doesn't make the weird playground lore you made up to make it fit your prior conspiracy theory true, does it?
If my email got leaked then the number of completely inexplicable references and seemingly random and arbitrary phrases that would crop up in my chat history with others would be... I don't know. But non zero. So would anybody's.
The reason we're all "asleep" isn't that we have been denied secret knowledge. It's that the knowledge doesn't make any sense.

So Joe Biden is already dead but he's been replaced by a clone but the clone is going to be arrested for treason as soon as the evidence is out? Okay.
And I mentioned that there's no doubt in their minds that Trump will be president next year, because in their mythology, the "patriots" have been "in control" for some time and everything that's happening now is scripted like a movie.
So in their mind, after we wake up, we're going to demand that the doubles of the people they executed also be executed for their part in what's happened since they were put in place... but we're going to be fine with Trump for orchestrating it? Grateful?
Like, according to their actual theory, any fraud that happened this year, and any inhuman atrocities that "the cabal" has carried out... happened at the direction of Trump and Q and whichever heroes they haven't yet turned into Deep State traitors for bursting their bubbles.
And when we find out about this fraud and these travesties we will be shocked awake and horrified and we'll want to punish the secret ruling elite that orchestrated it... oh, but not the ones who orchestrated it *lately*.
They honestly believe that anybody who isn't directly complicit in satanic child trafficking will have such a profound reaction to this that society will be remade overnight, but we'll be fine with Trump keeping it going to "wake us up".
The "great awakening" that they seek is impossible. Not just because it's based on fictional premises, but because the fiction doesn't add up. It doesn't hold up. It sounds like incoherent conspiracy theory ravings, for the very good reason that it is.
And because their prophesized victories and expected days for the awakening to occur never happened they've had to "patch" it so many times with ad hoc additions that it's completely incoherent. They can't see that from the inside, but it's obvious from the outside.
When they get new recruits, it's because the recruit gets a similar "frog boiling" indoctrination where they only see small bits of the puzzle at a time and then they're fully onboard before they notice the problems.
The very idea that someone could be "woken up" into their beliefs all at once... doesn't work. Because when you see the big picture, their beliefs don't work.
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