@Arsenal @Aubameyang7 @m8arteta I rarely rant at those who wear the shirt of club I’ve loved unconditionally since March 1962:
Team of 20/21: AFC is not a super car showroom or catwalk, but a football club of proud history earned by those, like YOU, who wear the shirt.
YOU are there to play football, the game that’s made you what you are and given you and your families the lives you lead. YOU are there to give EVERYTHING on that pitch - you are there to repay the managers faith in selecting you and to show him some respect.
And at the end of this list are us, your supporters - your 12th man - there with you through thick and thin, through good and bad times. Why? because we are Arsenal through and through and defend this clubs honour as it deserves, as you should also do.
Be the men and players that you know you are, be the team you know you can and must be. Remember, as we do, who you are and what you represent - Arsenal, the greatest team the world has ever seen.
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