There are efforts to promote teachers up the vaccine priority list. Before that lobbying takes place, be sure you understand who is at risk of dying from covid and who is not. Very few of the 1,067 deaths were teachers. There are many vulnerable not included on the list right...
... now. That includes those who have serious covid risks for health reasons or are being held back from critical surgeries. They are not all covered by the "70+ rule. So let's be careful we don't stampede over their unheard voices. (This may be unpopular with some on #onted.)
The vulnerable do not have a union, they have no politician listening to them on the phone, they may not have much money. They may not have powerful voices on media or social media. But they are out there. Media needs to cover them too, not just the loudest voices.
The *right* solution for teachers and students is to close down the schools in hot regions now for a month, as I have mentioned before. Bring down the numbers. Because those kids can go back and infect someone vulnerable at home or in some cases a health-vulnerable teacher.
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