...people in Louisville have told me they are terrified.

Now that media has died down and the leaders of the people have been identified and made clear, the possibility of violence against them is incredibly high.

Keep Louisville folks lifted and bear witness when you can. https://twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1338024578904276994
People ignored us when we told them the danger we faced for standing up in Ferguson.

Then, the BLM network + org engaged in a purposeful erasure that helped media completely ignore us & we lost people, one by one.
Now the same ppl that hated us and intentionally withdrew resources, support and attention from Ferguson invoke the names of folks we lost as martyrs.

It’s disgusting.

Some would still be here if we, as a movement, had paid more attention and believed those doing the work.
People throw around Darren Seals’ name like it’s some kind of radical activist trump card when, really, y’all were the same ones staying quiet to the bullshit when he was here.

Y’all prioritized ppl on TV, panels + in magazines above those actually connected to the community.
If you don’t think the cops + government aren’t closely monitoring public interest and support of local activists, you’re incredibly wrong.

They know who actually moves the people and they see us as threats.
They know when we are vulnerable, when the outrage has died down.

They know when they can get away with more because we’re focused on the wrong person or thing.

They know we dispose of our true leaders easily, why wouldn’t they follow suit?
You ignored us in Ferguson, now folks try to use dead people as cautionary trump cards while still ignoring those of us still alive to tell our own stories.

...and it keeps happening. partly because we’ve done nothing to stop it. Not even the bare minimum of paying attention.
The deaths of two Black men that stood up from Louisville should be regarded as highly suspicious, every fact examined and verified.

We can’t continue to accept the deaths of our leaders, especially, without investigation.
We can’t be too numb, disinterested or afraid to raise our voices for those that raised theirs for us.

It leaves us all vulnerable.

It shows that our movement isn’t invested in the safety or protection of those involved.
We told y’all in Ferguson during the middle of our uprising.

I put together the pieces of the pattern in Chicago last year. 👇🏾

Activists nationwide have shared how our friends have died in various, often suspicious ways. I rarely see ppl lifting those stories. https://twitter.com/brownblaze/status/1166756660582502401
We have to shine a light on this.

I’ve been telling you all for years that COINTELPRO is alive and well. Stop requiring our deaths as proof.

How many more deaths do you require to care enough to investigate?

How many before you speak up?

...how many before you take action?
Take note of who has the power and platform to raise the names of local leaders that wind up dead and how often and seriously they do so.

Take note of how many times you’ve heard Darren Seals name from the mouths of those that built their entire careers on top of Ferguson.
Pay attention to supposed “leaders” who highlight the theoretical danger they face but rarely spend significant time sharing the stories of those who’ve actually been victimized by the state.

...unless it’s a dead police victim they can capitalize off of.
You can follow @brownblaze.
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