After yesterday's altercations leading to chairs (& other objects) being thrown at ex-pres Evo M. due to differences with the party's base regarding MAS candidates (chosen by Evo) for the upcoming subnational elections, the MAS party announced today a resolution that resolves...
-"To unconditionally and militantly support the general management of the MAS president in BO, Evo Morales, for being the builder of the process of change and the democratic and cultural revolution, becoming the historical leader and the only builder of our political instrument."
They describe the last events as being caused by infiltrators who want to generate divisions having only personal interests in mind, people who worked with the right in the coup, and "undisciplined militants who do not respect the organic". It states that these people would be...
"drastically sanctioned":
"- Establishing as the maximum sanction the definitive expulsion with ignominy from the MAS-IPSP to all those implicated and identified in these acts of organic indiscipline (...), definitely for incurring in serious offenses contemplated in our organic
statute and internal regulations" 😳
Two comments:
- Why is the definition of "organic" whatever Evo wants? Like, that's not it.
- Why is Evo "the only builder of [the MAS] political instrument"?! Why can't people know what's best for them and have to only trust Evo
unconditionally?! How condescending.
Is this what a successful grassroots leadership/organization should look like? Why do activists settle for this?
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