Dear Patriots,

TODAY our political establishments have abandoned us all.

TODAY, we stand at the precipice of a new day in American patriotism as the establishments have NOT only failed us, they have deliberately led us astray.

Right now... in a TIME such as this, the only hope for saving America is those who are willing to risk it all, who are willing to STAND in the GAP for her.

When Moses led the Lord's people out of Egypt and into the desert... over time, the people began to lose faith and began
to backslide into their old wicked ways. At a point the Lord told Moses that he will destroy them and start anew... but Moses stood in the GAP for his people and argued that the Lord should NOT destroy them, that it was NOT the right thing to do for the Lord's own namesake.
The chosen people of God meant something, an IDEA of salvation. The Lord was willing to destroy them all and start anew with just Moses... but Moses said NO... and if the Lord was going to destroy them, he would also have to destroy him too.

AMERICA is also an IDEA, an idea of
Freedom and Liberty and Justice for all. She serves as a magnificent, brilliant light and a shining beacon of hope for all that seek her and her refuge. TODAY she is under attack and now more than ever, she needs YOU to stand in the GAP to defend her... otherwise all is lost.
TODAY, the sleeping giant has awakened and out of the ashes of this GREAT AWAKENING will rise, like a Phoenix, a new party, an army of Patriots who are all more than willing to STAND IN THE GAP to defend her.

An army of Patriots who are willing to risk it all.
This is our hour of greatness... and YOU are CHOSEN!

Stand in the GAP!

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