The Nicola Sturgeon daily television show on @BBCScotland: a pro-journalist rant. 1/10
As will be familiar to viewers in Scotland, on her daily one-hour-plus unchallenged lunchtime slot provided by @BBCScotland, Nicola Sturgeon can be seen watching a screen on which journalists pose their questions to her. 2/10
At least, we see journalists ask the first 2 or 3 questions. These journalists are generally from broadcast media, keen perhaps to garner usable clips for upcoming bulletins. But after that, the wide-angle shot showing the screen is pretty much dispensed with. 3/10
From this point on, journalists become disembodied voices. Faces are not shown. We are offered only N Sturgeon's facial and body-language reactions to their questions as they are posed. (These reactions are not always favourable, especially if you're the Daily Telegraph.) 4/10
It is hard to avoid the conclusion that both @BBCScotland and @scotgov believe that viewers would rather spend time every day for months on end looking at the very famous Nicola Sturgeon than at not-very-famous journalists. 5/10
It also seems viewers are being invited via these editorial decisions to draw conclusions about the merits or otherwise of journalists' questions based on N Sturgeon's own reactions to said questions. 6/10
It follows that certain conventions of televised political journalism do not seem to have made it onto the Nicola Sturgeon Show. There is, I would argue, little of the normal spirited joust between journalist & politician. 7/10
She doesn't even look at the journalist (presumably she still sees them on her screen even if we don't) as she answers. She just eyeballs us. Her words are directed at us. Journalists are thus reduced to little more than prompts for First Ministerial reminders/homilies. 8/10
And once the desired message has been beamed directly into the living rooms of the nation, the journalist is dismissed from the presenter's list with a big, ostentatious tick. 9/10
None of this dignifies Scottish journalism or democracy. Journalists have a right to respect, including being seen to be equal partners in political discourse. Who knows why @BBCScotland has made some of the editorial choices it has when it comes to the Sturgeon Show. 10/10
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