Why I think the squad needs to withhold a vote for Pelosi unless she calls for a vote on medicare For All.

1. Now is the time when the squad has the most power. If Nancy really wants the Speaker of the House position, she will be forced to bring medicare up for a vote, if not...
2. Being able to say no is a position of power, not weakness. Being that Democrats have a slim majority means that they NEED the squad's votes to get anything done.
3. The reason people voted for the squad was not because they were compliant, but because they were defiant and antagonized centrists. AOC will only get more support if she pushes hard for progressive policies and takes risks.
4. AOC promised she would do EVERYTHING in her power to push for Medicare for All. This is her opportunity and she is not there to make friends.
5. AOC and Bernie begged people to vote for Biden saying they were going to push back hard on day one. Well now is the time to rock the damned boat. No more waiting, or doing crap out of fear. She needs to prove that she is more than a sheepdog.
6. There is no great loss if Pelosi actually loses the Speaker of the House position. Tell me how that corrupt women is any different than having a Republican as Speaker of the House.
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