It’s easy for everyone to paint communities with “oh they don’t understand English so we just need to translate it for them”

The issue isn’t language. The issue is no social support from our provincial government for essential and front line workers #abpoli
There is enough capacity within our own communities to make sure the changing guidelines are understood. I get that language can be a barrier and translation is important but it’s a small piece. We should have been doing this from day one.

This is the easy way out. #abpoli
Give people hazard pay. Give people money so they stay home and don’t go to 2 jobs in one day. Give support to small busniess owners and the self employed. Do rent control.

Do the things that actually make a difference. #abpoli
A great start would be to claim the wage top up that the federal government is providing for frontline workers

Alberta is the only province that hasn’t claimed $347 million that we are entitled to so excuse if I don’t give a shit about covid care packages #abpoli
The taxi drivers in our community are considered self employed for the most part so EI is confusing.

I believe they have to opt in which not a lot of people know about or see value in. Clarifying this would help #abpoli
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