Back in 2017, Thomas Wictor and I had a theory about how Trump was setting up the Deep State by letting them think they were getting what they wanted with the Mueller SCO.

They were actually being set up for someone like Durham.
The Mueller SCO was being watched & investigated by Durham and a hand picked team from the start.

Things are now at the point that beginning in October Barr was comfortable with beginning to pull back the curtain and reveal it had been Durham all along.
Durham has been leading a team of USA’s all from outside of DC since 2017.

Even the people he was interviewing, professional leakers, never leaked about him before Jeff Carlson, @themarketswork published a report about James Baker’s testimony to Congress in January of 2019.
Even now as Barr is departing, he has refused to say if Huber or Jensen or Bash were working as part of a hidden Durham SCO team.

As with Sessions, Barr says as little as possible about what Durham has been really doing since April of 2017.
Just days before announcing his forth coming departure from the DOJ, Barr acknowledged publicly at last that Durham has been running a new SCO that is targeting the Mueller SCO.
How did the DOJ manage to keep a lid on the information about when Durham began his leak investigations into SpyGate for 4 years, even when there was a transition from Sessions to Whitaker to Barr?

Strzok, Page, Comey, Brennan, McCabe, they all leaked about EVERYTHING ELSE...
There have been two competing narratives for going on 4 years now.

One understands Trump and how he operates and one doesn't.

It's really that simple.

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