Ok, fuck it. One like = one poorly illustrated reason Batman might say “fuck” in the new Snyder film.
He burns his fried egg.
His pen runs out at the Post Office.
He steps in dogshit.
He accidentally bought the 2014 Robocop instead of the original.
He forgot his bag for life until he was at the checkout.
He accidentally locked an excel sheet with a wrongly spelled password.
Alfred leaves out the wrong mask and he doesn’t have time to find the right one.
He wakes up and remembers it’s 2020.
Ironically he catches Covid-19 because despite being inspired by a bat he wears a costume that is the diametric opposite of the face masks we now have to wear to prevent contracting an illness that allegedly started when a person ate a bat.
He finds a parking ticket on the Batmobile.
He drops his Batphone in the toilet.
His homebrew comes in under gravity.
He smells. Robin laid an egg. The Batmobile lost a wheel. The Joker got away.
He commits to something on social media and then it gets way bigger than he expected.
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