After receiving pushback, and in an effort to seek non-biased, objective feedback, Sister Julie Hanks asked her band of merry women what they thought of her.

This is an anti-Julie-Hanks account now, btw.
Pay attention to what Julie symbolizes to these women.
“We are witnessing an ever greater movement toward polarity. The middle-ground options will be removed from us as Latter-day Saints. The middle of the road will be withdrawn.”
Elder Holland
The fact she posted this is kind of like openly admitting she believes the Church is not led by Christ.
“You’re doing what Christ did...”

Huh? Why would Julie post this? Any reasonable person would fiercely object being put in the same group with Christ on anything.
Christ is supposed to be our anchor, but that’s so not cool.
Thank you all for giving me objective feedback and affirming me while I affirm you.
Can you see it? While I don’t know Julie personally (I imagine she’s an engaging, friendly person), this is spiritually dangerous.

Beware of the evil behind the smiling eyes.
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