codes exist to be able to do it WITHOUT alerting the perpetrator. tweeting and talking about it publicly on the off chance it is true would only escalate the hypothetical situation and make it worse and more unsafe for the person being victimized
swifties are not trained in dv response and intervention are you all dense
yes dv can happen to anyone but there was a single video that went around during covid about a fist signal. working in dv for years i had never seen that previously in my life. she is clearly interacting and in close contact with people outside of her home and has been.
if its not true its just spreading ridiculous fear mongering and on the off chance it is true all your tweets and psas will only escalate the situation and make things worse..she's not reaching out to swifties on twitter to intervene via their KEYBOARDS.
not to even MENTION how TRIGGERING AND TRAUMATIZING it is to just spew shit about interpersonal violence on the timeline unhinged
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