1) Two days of mostly fawning coverage about Eddie McGuire leaving Collingwood. Scarcely any mention of the fact that the club has had an internal review into racism, or whether that might be the real reason why Eddie is suddenly announcing his departure.
2) Do people really believe McGuire when he says he suddenly needs to ‘spend time with his family’ and that nobody at the club had any idea this was coming? Ok. This is the guy who told us he compared Adam Goodes to an ape live on radio because he was on ‘strong painkillers.’
3) Nothing weird at all about a recently re-elected president who clung to power for two decades, never accepting any criticism of club culture, suddenly resigning while announcing new initiatives and reforms around ‘equality and the fight against racism.’ Very normal!
4) Also journalists please stop referring to McGuire’s ‘history of gaffes’ like he’s someone who just got a little too drunk at the office Christmas party.
5) McGuire was a central, driving force behind the sexist, racist culture of the Footy Show for years. Comparing Adam Goodes to an ape and joking about drowning Caroline Wilson were incidents for which he should have been stood down immediately at the time.
6) Anyway, McGuire said questions will be answered "with honesty and candour – as is our way at Collingwood," so I'm sure this will all be cleared up really soon with all the trademark integrity CFC and their PR department are known for.
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