So, I'm gonna walk you through something that made me equally curious and mad today

In the end, I hope, it will help you better understand what journalism is supposed to do.

Let's start with this. Maybe you've seen it!
(It's wrong... but I'll get to that in a moment)
It's getting all sorts of traction on the ole internets today
In particular, they seem to be focusing a lot of their anger toward @TeamCavuto

Why? Cuz he dared to call out #hydroxycholoroquine early on.

(Neil seems like a nice chap)

the stories seem to put a lot of emphasis on a proposed amendment for the American Medical Association that attempted to rescind AMA statement in the spring on the "wonder drug"

Which... is TRUE... there was an amendment

cc: @AmerMedicalAssn
Just one problem tho

The AMA took up the amendment in November...



The AMA elected NOT to pass the amendment

(apparently that factoid seemed to blow past El Rushbo)
Now, how on earth could I... a dumb little journalist in Denver figure this out?

What special powers do I have at disposal?

Well, technically, I do have the interwebs
Which, today, allowed me to write a spokesperson for the AMA to hear... ya know... from the source if this claim was... in fact true...

(this is what reporters do)

turns out... it ain't...
What's it all mean?

Welp. There's a lot of BS on the interwebs these days.

And, per chance, if you're wondering why your friendly neighborhood reporter isn't covering a certain story you heard on talk radio or the twitter machine...

maybe it's because... well... it's NOT TRUE

Have a great day.

And maybe... just maybe... thank a reporter (a smarter one than me) for doing this job... of... ya know... asking questions and verifying stuff for a livin

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