Reuters: The FDA did flag the possibility that the (Moderna) vaccine was contributing to Bell's palsy, a type of facial paralysis also reported by participants in the Pfizer trial.
Reuters: Moderna reported four cases of Bell's palsy, including three among people who had the vaccine and 1 in the placebo group. The company said that three of the cases had resolved itself.
Random aside: I got Bell's palsy when I was a freshman in college. Woke up one morning and half of my face sagged and my eye hurt a lot because I couldn't fully close it.
I was prescribed steroids (I think anti-inflammatory), which helped, but did not fix, my situation

About a month or two later, my mother eventually took me to an acupuncturist, who stabbed my face full of needles over the course of 3 sessions over a week. And I was cured.
One of the needles jabbed into my face was a very long one that pierced horizontally through my affected eyelid, which was kind of terrifying. But it worked!
TL;DR: half of my face got paralyzed because of a suspected viral infection to my facial nerve (Bell's Palsy). Drugs didn't fix it and I had to look like Pinhead over the course of 3 days to fix it, acupuncture works.
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