@SidneyPowell1 may be referring to Landmark Fraud Case US vs Throckmorton.
In this case the Hon. Justice Miller wrote in Paragraph 22 of his opinion, the following statement.
"The maxim that fraud vitiates every proceeding, must be taken, like other general maxims, to apply.. https://twitter.com/SidneyPowell1/status/1338633548518010882
...cases where proof of fraud is admissable. But where the same matter has been actually tried, or so in issue that it might have been tried, it is not again admissable; the party is estopped to set up such fraud, because the judgment is the highest evidence, and cannot be...
The former section of this statement is what I believe @SidneyPowell1 is referring to. Because the entire proceeding was fraudulently executed and in Contradiction to the Constitutional protections afforded We The People, the entire proceeding is vitiated.
The latter part of Justice Miller's opinion simply states, I believe, that if the case has already been tried before the court, it cannot be submitted again, because the courts opinion on the facts cannot be contradicted. The evidence, however, can be submitted in new proceedings
The mountain of evidence is irrefutable. The cards are on the table and it is time for the players to anti up. @SidneyPowell1 and @LLinWood are all in. How about you all? These newest cases, representing the electors themselves carries weight. Original jurisdiction is in effect.
It should be explained that a Legal Maxim is an "established principle or proposition of law". When Justice Miller referred to "fraud vitiates all proceedings" being a Maxim, that means that it is established law that confirmation of a preponderance of fraud evidence nullifies...
Whatever proceedings or contracts may have resulted. Therefore, the entire election is sham. It doesn't matter if there is only fraud in one county! It vitiates the entire proceeding, period. In this case, we have preponderance of evidence. @SidneyPowell1 is going to crush them.
The widespread nature of the fraud and because of the striking similarities in testimony from unrelated witnesses, one can assume that the evidence is valid and verifiable. At this point, at the very least, there should be an injunction of further determination of this election.
The Justices do have a duty to protect the Constitutional Rights of We The People. Therefore, it would be a prudent measure for the Supreme Court to rule in favor of a full stoppage on the certification process. Especially in light of the blatant violation of the civil rights...
Of the MI electors yesterday, who were stopped by State Police from performing their Constitutionally protected and sworn duty. There needs to be a pause button put on this. We literally have an entire party, fueled by the media, trying to bull through a fraud on We The People.
This is a volatile situation that must be brought to a halt, investigated thoroughly (already been done), and presented to the Supreme Court as a civil class action of We The People vs all parties attempting this election theft. Luckily, we have @SidneyPowell1. She knows the path
Do not panic.
Do not fear.
Turn off your tv.
Throw it out a window.
Stop listening to fake news.
Focus on the end goal.
Have faith that we won't go down without a fight.
Never back down.
Never give up.
Never give in.
We The People hold all of the cards. Are you just gonna fold?
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