The best marketers are not the ones working as marketers.

They are the ones outside of the industry.

Those capable of pointing its flaws, recommend solutions, and implement them.

Want to learn about marketing?

Here are seven creatives with great perspectives on it.👇
"Number 1 mistake of marketing is to treat social media like advertising. People love to buy but hate being sold to. Stop selling.

Instead, trade value in exchange for customers’ time and attention.

Stop treating new media like old media. It doesn’t work."

"Saying "[FAMOUS DESIGNER] didn't niche / do any marketing and has succeeded!" is similar to saying "[LOTTERY WINNER] didn't work and made lots of money!" - Being Lucky is NOT a strategy.

This is called SURVIVOR BIAS - you don't see all those who failed."

"A blog is not a business.
An Instagram following is not a business
A newsletter is not a business

These are branding and marketing tools. They’ll only be as good as the business model behind them."

"Proper marketing is not short term, it's a balancing act of things such as price, promotion, product, place, ...

It's making sure business strategy is well executed and the product or service is brought to the market in the most effective way."

“Designers provide the spoon full of sugar that makes business and marketing objectives palatable to the public.”

"I think you can market or promote a product without a brand/strategy in place. It falls back to definitions though.

If a brand is what people say/think about your business, a brand doesn’t exist without marketing."

"A freelancer with average skills who's great at putting themselves out there,

Will outperform,

A freelancer with great skills who shies away from marketing."

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