Unpopular opinion: no one involved with the ST knew what to do with Finn. JJ used him as a red herring in TFA. Rian tried to give him a purpose as a rebel leader in TLJ. And JJ desperately tried to retcon a Force plot for him in TROS in what felt like a desperate saving throw.
Was he supposed to be a co-protagonist, if it really was Rey’s story all along? Was he Rey’s sidekick, and how so if he wasn’t part of her main storyline with the Force? Was he a rebel leader, or did Poe take up that story position?
They had no plan whatsoever beyond “here’s a defected Stormtrooper with a lightsaber! LOL JK IT’S REY WHO HAS THE FORCE”. They had several concurrent storylines throughout the ST, and they never once figured out which one Finn was supposed to be an integral part of.
And, look, I disagree with a lot of things John Boyega has said about Star Wars, but he’s dead-on right to be pissed about the bait-and-switch with Finn. Yeah, he’s apparently Force sensitive in TROS... and it contributes NOTHING to the plot and feels cheap as hell.
Like, look, I know we all love Oscar Isaac, but letting Poe live in TFA clearly fucked Finn over. They ended up fighting for limited story space that left Finn adrift and without a real purpose. Rian tried. Giving him Rose instead of Poe in TLJ was a great move. It wasn’t enough.
And don’t get me started on him killing Stormtroopers in TROS. They had a good story with Finn and took it nowhere. That’s the theme for so many threads in the ST, but Finn’s story is by far the most glaring. Mostly because they never took the time or bothered to give him one.
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