Here's what we found:
🚨 181 local and state health officials have resigned, retired or been fired
🚨 1 in 8 lives in a U.S. community that has lost a local health leader
🚨 24 states are pushing legislation to curtail public health powers
@AP @KHNews #UnderfundedUnderThreat
One official we interviewed - Dr. Gianfranco Pezzino -- resigned his post in Shawnee, Kan. yesterday because the county commissioners relaxed their COVID restrictions just as the pandemic is getting out of hand. @AP @KHNews #UnderfundedUnderThreat
Another, Tisha Coleman, lost her mother to COVID on Sunday. Her husband refused to require masks in the family hardware store, even as Tisha advocated for a countywide mask mandate. Tisha, her husband and mother all were infected. @AP @KHNews
It wasn't just money. Public health departments lost 38,000 jobs in that time even as the U.S. population grew. The ACA tried to restore funding for public health but the Obama administration and Congress kept raiding the fund. #UnderfundedUnderThreat @AP @KHNews
Wondering what your public health department does? Glad you asked! “We test 97% of America’s babies for metabolic or other disorders. We do the water testing. You like to swim in the lake and you don’t like poop in there? Think of us.” #UnderfundedUnderThreat @AP @KHNews
The slow erosion in funding over years and the relentless cuts in staff were a clear sign that elected officials and taxpayers did not value the work of their public health professionals. They also didn't pay them much: many public health workers qualify for government aid. @AP
That lack of respect became glaringly clear during the pandemic, when officials and citizens ignored the advice of their public health professionals, refusing to wear masks, stay home, keep away from others. It quickly escalated to threats and harassment.
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