2 weeks to flatten the curve

masks will protect you and prevent lockdowns

we just need to get to a vaccine and we'll be safe

this is not going to end. they will keep promising "do 1 more thing and you get your life back"

they're lying

they will not give it, you must take it https://twitter.com/apoorva_nyc/status/1336333757708554241
this whole new bugbear of "even if you are vaccinated, we do not know if you can spread it asymptomatically" is outlandish.

yes, we do know. no, you do not spread it.

household 2ndary attack rate for asympt is 0.7%, 96% lower than symptomatic at 18%. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2774102
and that's if you actually live with them and spend hours and hours in close proximity, share food, bathrooms, kitchens, etc.

it would be FAR lower for casual contact. this study found public transport SAR to be 0.1% vs 10.3% in home.

1/100th. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32790510/ 
and that's for people of all severity levels.

the idea that vaccinated people are going to spread covid is speculative to the point of being absurd.

the chances are diminimous to the point of non-concern and where a mask would add nothing.

it's just more hobgoblins.
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