Trans friends! What advice would you give to others who might be earlier in their transition, that you wish someone had told you when you were there?
I’ll start with a common but important one: Stop comparing yourself to other trans people. No one else can be a measure for your happiness; all that matters is where you are now compared to where you were before. Try to focus on you vs. you.
Another thing I wish I’d understood earlier is related to this; everyone posts their most flattering selfies, and for every solid pic there are a dozen full of self-criticism. I promise, even That Pretty Trans Goddess you long to emulate struggles with this. Be kind to yourself
Throughout your transition, you will face setbacks. In those moments, it will feel hopeless, like it’s all been for nought. I promise you, it’s not. The path may lead you in unexpected directions around the obstacle, and it might be painful at times, but it’s there. Keep going.
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