I've deleted and rewritten this tweet many, many times, and am still having trouble articulating it.

Tl;dr many of your favorite bars and restaurants are in deeper trouble than ever. So are the humans who make them so wonderful. Give directly, order takeout, and tip well. 1/?
You're going to see another round of fundraisers for bar and restaurant staff. Unemployment is running out, and many of them -- my friends, former co-workers, and work family -- rely on the holidays as the most lucrative time of year.

With COVID closure, 2020 ain't it. 2/?
And if anyone comes at me with "They want to be working! Government mandates are stifling their right to make money," I will block you so fast.

They want to work, but not like this. 3/?
COVID safety measures are in place for *guest* safety and do little to protect workers. *Staff* have to wear a mask at the table, which protects guests but not them. *Staff* have to touch and clean your plates, glassware, chairs, tables, doorknobs, etc. 4/?
*Staff* have to tell you to put on a mask. *Staff* can't take water breaks and can barely eat because of masks. Pre-pandemic, FOH staff worked on tipped hourly wages ($2.13/hour), and most have seen their paychecks take a nosedive after reopening.

Be kind. Tip generously. 5/?
If you love your regular bars and restaurants, though, now's the time to speak up. Advocate for the @USSenate to pass legislation that gives true relief to restaurants and the working class.

I know @USBGPGH is doing a coat drive, and I'd bet other orgs are too. 6/7
There are also virtual tip jars for cities across the country where you can tip bartenders every time you drink at home.

Again, dig deep. Do what you can. Give your time, your resources -- whatever it is that you have.
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