alright expttwt members here is a thread of the reasons i left the gc. im doing this because this account is mostly exptwt members, and you guys need to hear this. a LOT of people have left the gc, and i think that's for a reason. so take this thread and reflect on it.
first of all, i am not saying this to be rude, i am saying this so you guys can get the gc back to a place where people don't dislike being there.
not everything is a joke. a lot of you have gotten better, but there are still some of you who cannot go two seconds without turning something serious into a joke. it's especially a problem when you have made a mistake, and instead of owning up to it, you turn it into a
fucking joke. PLEASE just take responsibility for your actions instead of brushing them off and laughing at them.
you need to learn that private issues are private issues. you may be thinking "but sienna you are posting this" okay this is an account with 60 followers, where it cannot be rt or sent, and most of the followers are exptwt members. but constantly posting and tagging me after i
have already sent you a dm asking you to stop is unacceptable. someone was posting about me and i was being ganged up on my many exptwt members. i sent them a dm asking to stop, they read it, ignored me, and proceeded to ask "what dm?" in the gc after they were confronted
publicly. you all stand up for me when i get hate from random people and say "oh she has feelings too" but sometimes it feels like you are doing the exact same thing.
i am not kidding when i say the amount of DISRESPECT i have gotten when it comes to being a server operator for minecraft. some of you are constantly complaining, and you expect me to be there the second i need you, and if i'm not you get mad. we try our best. we are already
paying for a better server so you guys can have the best experience possible, but when you constantly complain, and attack me it makes me really not want to do what you ask.
the respect some of you have for others privacy and comfort levels is literally just non-existent. okay, YOU may be comfortable sharing your phone number, but i am not comfortable with you doing that???? a lot of you in the group chat are under the age of 14, and as someone
who is about to be 17, i feel INCREDIBLY uncomfortable knowing any personal information about you unless you are one of my close friends. also, in NO WORLD is it okay for you to share someone else's personal information?????
and finally, the disrespect shown to older explain accounts. wow, this one hits hard. they are some of my best friends, and openly calling them "clout-chasers" is unacceptable. ESPECIALLY when some of you don't even fucking explain?? there are literally people in the gc who
don't explain anyone's tweets, and you think you can call some of the original members clout-chasers? mind-boggling. please respect the people who created this community, you would not be here without them, and neither would i.
please remember that this does not apply to every single member of exptwt. examples like ian, worm, lauren, lexie, flip, etc. they are incredibly mature and some amazing friends. but some of you guys, and you know who you are, really need to work on this. honestly, even if i did
mention you, please still make sure you are working on this. we can only grow. i am not saying i have never made mistakes, but i definitely think i have learned and grown a lot. if so many people are leaving the gc, maybe it's time to think that they aren't the problem.
once again, i am not saying this to be rude, i am saying this so you can get better. i do love you all and i am excited to see you grow into amazing people :)
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