Talked with an old woman recently, and she said something very interesting. While she was pretty sure fraud had occurred, she was just tired.

She felt she only had another decade or so in her, and just wanted the situation to go away.
It made me realize, boomers did not deal with adversity! They didn't have to work their way consistently through an actual conflict or problems to get what they wanted.

This is such a difference to how I grew up. Nothing was easy or free, and you could always lose.
We like to rag on the GOP a lot, but think about it. They are the Boomer Political Party. It is going to reflect the people which make it up.

The boomers had problems, but they never had to _grind_ through them. So every time they met stiff resistance, they flow around it.
See how that trains the parties? The Dems get used to putting up a front of resistance to which the GOP will flow around.

Neither party understands what to do when they become locked into a grinding fight.
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