Rebase or Rug Pull?

Many people have heard what a rebase is but not how it works. Every day when a token like $ATH $AMPL $GRPL $BASE etc. rebases, the price and the supply are adjusted in order to make the chart look attractive to buyers.
đź’°Supply is inflated based on the peg price.

đź’°The supply is then airdropped to the people who were holding before the rebase.

💰Holders token COUNT goes up, but since there’s more supply the VALUE of those tokens stay the same.
💰 The big red candle on the chart makes it look like the price is low and new buyers come in to buy the dip - these new buys increase the value of everyone’s tokens.

Example Pictured of $ATH
Example if team says Peg Price is $0.10.

If the chart price is $1 before the rebase the supply is increased 10x to make the price $0.10 after the rebase.
If you had had 10 tokens worth $100 total your tokens are still worth $100 after the rebase, but now you’ll have 100 tokens worth $1 instead of 10 tokens worth $100.

Credits go to Drayco Malformed. 🤝
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