Excited to be in #AGU20’s tutorial on #MachineLearning for #Geoscience today with over 1200 registered participants from across the world!
First time I'm hearing about the Zarr data format for breaking large datasets into a large number of small binary files that are good for cloud storage. https://zarr.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ 
Thanks so much @DJGagneDos for a great intro ML talk at #AGU20 and for sharing a link to your recorded talk/slides as presented to the NCAR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE (AI4ESS) Summer School! https://www2.cisl.ucar.edu/events/summer-school/ai4ess/2020/artificial-intelligence-earth-system-science-ai4ess-summer-school
Some additional really great ML fundamentals resources by way of Ankur Mahesh at Berkeley:

J. Shewchuck's "Concise ML" lecture notes: https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~jrs/jrspapers.html#mach

S. Nasiriany, G. Thomas, et al.'s "A Comprehensive Guide to Machine Learning": http://snasiriany.me/cs189/ 
It was helpful to see the concrete example of using neural nets to emulate the output from the Community Land Model by @katiedagon during the #AGU20 ML tutorial: https://twitter.com/katiedagon/status/1338632458544156674?s=20

Looking forward to seeing your forthcoming paper in …https://advances-statistical-climatology-meteorology-oceanography.net/ 
How to choose a metric for evaluating uncertainty in machine learning? Some ideas: https://cs.adelaide.edu.au/~javen/talk/ML05_Uncertainty_in_DL.pdf
Tapping out early to go make dinner for the kiddos, but really enjoyed this afternoon's #AGU20 #MachineLearning tutorial! Thanks to all the conveners and presenters for an outstanding set of talks, resources, and practical examples! https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm20/meetingapp.cgi/Session/105849
You can follow @richardhmoore.
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