Here’s where I stand right now - I’ve seen consistently over the past few weeks supposed “conservatives” and others mocking those of us who choose to fight to expose this fraud and ensure our elections have integrity and the country is preserved - because despite what
they tell you, this election is about MUCH more than a Trump victory. It’s about the future of this great country. They tell us we are disillusioned- that we should just accept the results of an election quote obviously riddled with massive amounts of fraud. They tell us
that we are misleading people - giving them incorrect information and lying to them about what happened. They tell us there’s no hope - that it’s time to move on. None of that is true. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees, catering to a dark establishment
hell bent on destroying the fabric of our country. I will fight using every available pathway until all are exhausted before I submit to a defeat that was not earned. I will continue to report information in regards to this election that is true and accurate, to hell with the
naysayers. There is more to be done - no matter what Mitch McConnell or anyone says. There is more to fight for than just one election. To those who say we will fix this next time? I say - we must fix this now. We will give no quarter. We won’t stop moving forward.
All of you are soldiers in this battle as well. Continue to stay strong even in the face of great adversity. It is only WE who will see this to its conclusion. Not the blue check marks trying to cater, not the pundit class, not the establishment politicians and not
the politicians who have chosen to forsake their constituents to save their own wallets and ensure their positions among the ruling class who don’t care about them anyway and only lust for power.
So let them mock, and scorn, and taunt. Should we be victorious we will have saved them too. Should we not, this is a battle and not the war. We will never stop fighting for this beautiful country, and at least for me, I know when I kneel at night to pray, and awaken each
morning, I did EVERYTHING I could to try to stop these people from stealing our country. And that’s more than many can say. God bless America. 🇺🇸
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