Thread: Why Mitch McConnell is walking a thin line today.
In the Senate, old Cocaine Mitch announced that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the P-E and VP-E. Of course, he is getting blasted on the Right for doing so. 1)
Mitch has known all along that Trump lost. Just listen to what he's said in the past about Trump being allowed to pursue cases in court, but he said once the EC voted, we would know the winner. Yesterday they did. Mitch is acknowledging that. 2)
But, holding onto the White House is not what Mitch cares about. Holding onto the Senate and his spot as Majority Leader is what Mitch cares about. As the whole world knows the balance of power in the Senate rests solely on the runoff election in Georgia right now. 3)
By trying to get the GOP past the Presidential election to focus on the GA election, he's trying to get them to focus on retaining those two seats and Senate control. His problem now is Trump himself. Trump will not focus on anything besides his election. 4)
As long as Trump continues to lie and claim he was robbed--especially in Georgia where he blames the Republican Gov and SOS--the party will not focus on the Senate runoff. Trump is the de facto head of the GOP, and it's about him and not the Senate. 5)
Mitch's other problem is that Trump will turn on a dime against anyone who doesn't toe the line for him. Now that Trump is through with Bill Barr, he'll have plenty of time to Tweet about Mitch. That will fire up Trump's base even more. That will hurt Senate efforts in GA. 6)
I live here. I witness Trump supporters mad at Loeffler and Perdue and other Republicans for "not supporting Trump more." Even though none of them can change the election, Trumpers blame them anyway. They can't blame Trump for losing. 7)
Not only will this result in a lack of support for Loeffler and Perdue, which will result in Warnock and Ossoff winning and Dems taking control of the Senate, but it's going to lead to a split in the GOP. There will be two wings, and Mitch won't know what side to pick. 8)
On one hand, you'll have the "never Trumpers" like the Lincoln Project and RVAT. The other hand will be the "Trumplican Party." It will be Mitt Romney vs. Lindsey Graham. Mitch will have to choose a side because there won't be a third option. 9)
Where exactly does Mitch go? Well, honestly, I don't believe he's ever been a Trump guy. I believe Mitch tolerated Trump because he was a means to getting a ton of Conservatives appointed as judges and SCOTUS justices. Otherwise, he privately could care less about him. 10)
And that's despite the fact that Mitch's wife is Transportation Secretary. What Mitch needs now is for Trump to concede and ask the party to get behind the two GOP Senators in GA. That's asking too much of Trump. So, that's the fine line. 11)
Saving the Senate or facing Trump's viral rath on Twitter.
Mitch thinks he'll get Trump to come to reason. He's wrong. Trump never uses reason. Trump only uses emotions. Emotions prevent the use of logic.
Mitch is going to lose on both ends of this. END)
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