“Are Amish Catholic or Jewish?” I was asked today. I figured, if someone plucked up the courage to ask me that question, maybe others wonder, too.

Amish are an off-shoot of the Mennonite faith. The Mennonite faith comes from Catholicism. And, Catholics are Christian.../1
A Roman Catholic priest named Menno Simmons disagreed with infant baptism, & the church’s violence throughout history. So, he & his followers established the Mennonite faith.

As time passed, Mennonites became “part of the world” & more modern. A Mennonite named Jacob Ahman.../2
And others in his congregation, disagreed with this, left the church & became Amish. They decided to remain apart from the world, & shunned most “worldly” modern advancements. Despite this, many Amish still have mobile phones, computers, internet - it just can’t be INSIDE.../3
Their homes, where they eat and sleep. So, many use their electronics in their barns to access “the world” - never assume they aren’t aware of the world around them!

THEN, Jacob Hutter decided the Amish were too worldly & dependent on non-Amish places for food, etc.
So, he.../4
And his followers, became Hutterites. They decided to live in their own communities, and try to remain self-sufficient & apart from the world.

And, then there’s Bishop Moses Beachy, who founded the Beachy Amish.

Then, we have Bretheren & Quakers, who are neither Mennonites.../5
Nor Amish - but are considered “related”. Titles like Old Order Mennonites, Modern Mennonites, etc, just differentiate how that community chooses to live. For example, Old Order communities might completely reject cars, some can have cars, but they have to be black. Meanwhile../6
Modern Mennonites drive any kind of car, in any color. Old order tend to live & stick in communities, modern Mennonites live wherever. Old order usually have their own schools, modern Mennonites use public or Xian schools. Old order will have haircoverings, modern Mennonites.../7
Might not even wear haircoverings.

It’s more like a Mennonite Umbrella, with each different sect having its own spectrum...very confusing.
I get people asking me where I parked my horse & buggy, & I’m modern conservative...

So, the answer is, Catholicism.
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