TW / rape , sexual violence

let’s talk about the last 24 hours as a McGill student.

a first year student at McGill named Ayomide Maxwell has been accused of, and ADMITTED to the rape and assault of 3 people.
here’s the frustrating part: what has McGill done?

well, next to nothing. the extent of his punishment was having to redo a course module on understanding consent and sexual violence, the equivalent to a slap on the wrist.
the school is also actively silencing those who comment on their posts urging them to address the matter, deleting SEVERAL comments. instead of addressing the issue and taking accountability, here is what they had to say in response:
i feel ashamed, terrified, and disappointed by the inaction. they say there is work being done behind the scenes, i am shocked that there is a lack of public response despite the outcry. their silence is complacency. students like me feel unsafe and outraged, rightfully so.
unfortunately, this is not the first either. rather it’s a cycle of violence that must be stopped.

for a campus that applauds itself on progressive values, failing to act is showing that it is all performance. i thought we were better than this.
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