With an investment of zero dollars I too can call myself "stop antisemitism" and condemn anyone I don't like as an antisemite from a place of fake authority
"Why would 'stop antisemitism' lie to us about who the antisemites are? All he wants to do is stop antisemitism! It's in the name!"
"this isn't a personal vendetta or a manifestation of effed up attitudes about Jews of color at all! I'm just stopping antisemitism!"
For an account supposedly concerned with antisemitism he sure spends a lot of time hating Jews. I don't like JVP either, but they're idiot Jews, not antisemites, and they deserve protection from antisemitism same as anyone else. To say nothing of "this black jew is leftist!" bs
For the same reason I don't think "Stephen Miller is an antisemite" discourse is all that productive. He's an evil idiot who's enabling antisemitism and playing with forces he shouldn't be playing with and putting us all in danger, but he's still us, like it or not.
I maybe draw the line at Max Blumenthal, though, but that's more because I think he earnestly believes antisemitic conspiracy theory, not even as dogwhistle, he genuinely believes that Jews are doing all of the bad things
Like, right wingers I've interacted with and maybe even Stephen Miller believe in "globalist" conspiracies and when you saw "it's a code word for Jews you dumbass" they'll act indignant. Blumenthal genuinely believes in Jewish conspiracies
Anyway, my point is that if you're spending most of your time condemning antisemitism condemning Jews who you think are enabling antisemitism, you're just contributing more hatred of Jews more broadly. That goes for both left and right
*especially* if you're on the right, honestly. You start throwing around accusations about subversive Jews, someone who is disconcertingly well armed might be listening. Look at what condemning HIAS got us: The Pittsburgh shooting.
To say nothing of condemning people like Rebecca Pierce, who in my time following her on Twitter, I have to say, if she's an antisemite she's very very bad at it, to the point that I'm less enraged by the accusation than just confused.
For a lot of these people, if they're your antisemites you are imploring people to stop, you really need to get out more. It really seems that people will define antisemitism as "stuff that goes against the beliefs I was raised with in my bubble"
"This person thinks that Israel has to reconsider its settlement project if they want peace. Antisemitism! What about terror attacks! Israel is blameless!"
And its like, buddy, be grateful they still support a two state solution
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