Excellent Speech by former Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis in Assembly today.

Seems he is not at all scared due to mighty opposition or recent MLC defeats or BJP MLAs defection threat.

@MandarSawant184 @India_Maharaj @Dev_Fadnavis
Would rate this speech second best after PM’s speech during 2018 no confidence speech.

I feel if any Maharashtrian would be closest to PM chair in 21st it will be Fadnavis Saheb.

Key Pointers of speech 👇🏻👇🏻

➡️Maha Govt got Maratha reservation sticker by sending a HR to the SC
by themselves.

➡️Promised he won’t allow dilution of OBC Quota.

➡️Left OBC Welfare Minister red faced who said Fadnavis never did anything for OBC. Fadnavis said his Ministry was his own creation.

➡️Highlighted issue of hefty bills by Nitin Raut who had promised free
electricity. Gave proof to Speaker of a person who received light bill despite losing his house in floods.

➡️Due to this exposure Speaker Nana Patole urged Minister Raut to stop method of charging average bill.

➡️Fadnavis had a badass smile on his face when Minister Bhaskar Rao
got agitated.

➡️Next comes double standards of MVA on farm laws. Maharashtra was first state to notify laws on 10th August claiming it to be beneficiary.

➡️Exposed MoS Bachu Kaddu who is protesting in Delhi. Asked him to protest against state Govt.
➡️Presented fact that Pawar has claimed in his book that farmers get 70% less price due to middleman and only 1 place of selling.

➡️National Committee set up by than PM MMS and Agri Minister SP under Maharashtra Minister Harshvardhan Patil recommended private investment in the
Agri sector as laws under Essential Commodities Act were deterrence for same. Report accepted.

➡️ Exposed NCP for not allowing BJP to pass bill which would have ensured punishment of 1 year for buying below MSP.

➡️ Targeted Uddhav for carrying forward schemes of BJP but not
giving credit. And for simply renaming those schemes.

➡️ He told CM gave checks of ₹3000 to farmers in the name of relief.

Cornered MVA on all aspects saying they have halted all schemes meant for rural areas.
➡️Brutally trolled Health Minister Tope for not being recognized in the booklet issued by MVA on 1 year completion.

➡️ The delay in Mumbai Metro project was highlighted. He stated the fact that oxygen loss occured due to cutting trees would be recovered in just 80 days of
running metro.

➡️ All loses due to delay will be bear by state Govt and not Central Govt or JICA.

➡️ Unlike the down market opposition he said he believes Maharashtra CM and India's PM both need to be respected by all.
➡️Highlighted the arrests of Social Media users for merely criticising the Govt.

➡️ Shamed the Govt for arresting Arnab under a closed case. He said you could have used normal laws.

➡️ And than gave burnol moment to all parties by saying that for you all Supreme Court means
party high command.

➡️ Asked Govt to follow Law and not destroy Bungalows of people who speak against them.

In Maharashtra the BJP IT Cell is weakest of all. Even in states like Telangana BJP has better social media workers. Plus the state media is biased towards MVA.
Yet today’s speech by Devendra Fadnavis was a great one. One which was full of confidence and facts.

Central Ministers must use his points on farm laws to expose the double standards of opposition.
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