As a #NurseScientist, I thought it would be fun to track how much time I spent #BreastFeeding my kiddo.

This data helped me:
1. Celebrate the time (yesterday was our last day BFing), and
2. Support other parents and caregivers with data to #MakeCareWorkVisible

A thread 🧵

Over 13 months, I breast fed 1862 times for over 400 hours. That is equivalent to more than TEN full time work weeks!!! 😱😱😱
For reference, this data is a little skewed since the amount of time drops off quite a bit once the kiddo starts eating solids.

In the month before he started solids, I nursed him 360 times for nearly 40 hours in 30 days.
Note: None of this includes pumping time, which I was too tired to track once the pandemic started. In the 3 months I did track it, I pumped more than 80 times. Roughly another 7.5 hours a month not counting transit to pumping room, cleaning, etc.
This is not a manifesto about breastfeeding in particular. This is only my story and only one way of feeding your kiddo. There are many ways to provide nutrition to your baby! #FedIsBest
The moral for me, is that just ONE of the basics of childcare takes A LOT of time. And we often try to seamlessly weave that time into our lives like it is nothing.

To all the parents and caregivers, thank you for your physical and emotional time and work. I see you 💗
You can follow @BriannaMorganNP.
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