Pakistan taking one more step into the Islamists group and going against the Saudi/UAE sunni coalition. Qatar has $ and will eventually make peace with Saudi, Turkey is NATO. Pakistan is going down the drain by going against Saudi/UAE and aligning with Turkey/Malaysia Qatar nexus
In Libya, the GNA is backed by Qatar, Turkey, Italy. The LNA is backed by UAE, Russia, France, Egypt etc. Geo-political presence. The real issue is ongoing Qatar Vs Saudi lead coalition and Turkey led Islamists group against Saudi. Pakistan is clearly going against Saudi in both
Pakistan recently borrowed $1.5B from China to repay Saudi. That debt of Pak to China is only going to get worse. Pak debt went from $7-30B in 3 yrs to China, a strategy China used in Africa to loan and buy out. in this case it is the CPEC belt.
Saudi is not washing its hands of Pakistan but recently Pakistan cozying to Turkey led alliance and challenging Saudi in OIC on Kashmir led to the loan recall .Saudi - India trade is about $33B, Saudi -Pak- $3.6B .Saudi - India $100B deal in works, in oil primarily.
UAE is also tightening the belt on Pakistan with recent visa restriction announcement. UAE has not been shy of its growing relationship with India ( and now Israel) . The Pakistan - Iran- Turkey nexus goes against it all .
In a combination of new world order geo-politics of UAE/Saudi - Israel against Iran where Pakistan is aligning with Iran/Turkey and UAE/Saudi huge focus on trade/security relations with India means Pakistan is getting sidelined on Kashmir. Forcing itself more into China debt trap
All in all this means darks days for Pakistan economically and politically and brighter days for India Vs Pakistan. India has failed to use it economic advantage against Pakistan efficiently, but that might start to change. very (stupidly) slow.
India also could/should be doing more on the Israel- OIC relations. Need to move quickly to push on UAE- Israel- India trade and security relations and leverage the position to weaken Pakistan in OIC. Israel growing relationship with Islamic world is good for India, bad for Pak.
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