Today's labour market stats have a lot on vacancies - among the most up to date stats. @LearnWorkUK full briefing . ONS vacancies in single month dropped back in November (lockdown...) but the 3-month average went on up.
Unemployed per vacancy has come down (still high...) as vacancies risen faster than unemployment (3-month averages)
Online vacancies up to early December show that the lockdown pause in recruitment was temporary. Note: analyses from @indeed hiring lab slightly different - different data and different analysts.
The online analysts don't use standard sectors, so this is the @ONS vacancy survey. Virtually all sectors still down. Falls in traditionally high staff turnover accommodation and food service and retail unsurprisingly huge falls.
Regions and nations - employment rates. Still a few small annual rises in employment rate. South West shows particularly large fall.
Regions and unemployment rates. Unemployment - international definition - rising everywhere. London and East Midlands particularly
Economic inactivity in regions - a mixed picture for annual changes, but very large differences in levels. In some areas rising unemployment coming from flows from inactivity rather than jobs.
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