Say it with me, folks: we don't let centrists just pretend the last four years didn't happen.

Accountability has to happen before unity work can ever be positive or productive.
Never forget that Biden ran on a platform of restoring the same status quo that set the stage for Trumpian fascism.

That danger isn't close to over.

I extremely understand and share the relief folks feel at the prospect of a Trump departure, but we can't get complacent.
I understand learning the lesson of HRC's "deplorables" bit (she was accurate, but it was strategically terrible), but we should also be demanding acknowledgment of the lessons of Obama's failed attempts at bipartisanship.
Trump voters voted for a fascist who has spent the last four years overtly demonstrating his genocidal and totalitarian tendencies.

They know what they did.

You don't reach across the aisle to make friends when the other side of the aisle is just a pit of vipers.
Folks who have followed me for a while know that I say this about every politician I've ever encouraged folks to vote for, including both Bernie (primary) and Biden (general):

We elect targets, not saviors.
If they win, we hold their feet to the fire.

And the fire we need to be keeping kindled is the fire of antiracism, antifascism, and liberatory struggle that defined 2020 as much as any of the other terrible shit it gave us.
We need to keep naming that Trump is a white patriarchal fascist and that his followers opted for white patriarchal fascism.

That sort of shit doesn't just wash off in the rain, and if we try and pretend like it does, we will get another fascist in the presidency again.
And if that happens, we may very well end up with a *competent* fascist POTUS elected in 2024 or 2028 or 2032.

That is not a game we want to play.
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