Black Owned Skincare brands that aren’t shoving homemade oils, African black soap, and Shea butter down your skin barrier 🤩✨✨✨ A thread:
SPF is my passion so of course @BlkGrlSunscreen is up first. Black owned SPF that hydrates and doesn’t leave a white cast! Can be found at @Target
Ara by Essence by @TheeSkinBoss. Vegan & cruelty free. Dye free and fragrance free so it’s safe for sensitive skin types.
@topicals! Their faded serum is my fave product of 2020. It’s the perfect cocktail of melanin inhibitors that tackles hyperpigmentation AND acne safely and effectively. Their Like Butter serum is AMAZING for eczema sufferers or anyone whose damaged their skin barrier
@IxoraBB! Their donkey milk soap is so good for dry skin, eczema sufferers, body acne, ALL that. They also have dope brightening serums and a really good niacinamide.
@rosenskincare! I discovered this gem via @thisisnefertiti. Their products are great for ppl suffering from hyperpigmentation and acne. Their Paloma serum is a a standout to me cause of the glycolic acid and salicylic acid so it tackles acne and hyperpigmentation at the same time
@AbsoluteJOI! Their lineup is great for dry and sensitive skin types. Their cleansing oil is great for inflamed acne, super antibacterial too.
@BeautyStrikeNY the mandelic acid queens! One of the few brands that has a mandelic acid toner. Mandelic is a great AHA for decongesting skin, tackling acne, and lightening up hyperpigmentation. It’s one of the few exfoliants I’m using while I’m actively breaking out.
@fairyglowmother! Her line is for the acne girls. The Glow Mojo is amazing for acne with Zinc as a star ingredient. Zinc is a really slept on acne fighting ingredient. If your skin doesn’t care for sal acid it’s a great alternative.
@Viviglowskin! Their anti spot face cream ingredient list is loveeee if you suffer from dark marks, hyperpigmentation & such. Key ingredients alpha arbutin & kojic acid to brighten, salicylic acid to treat acne, and allantoin to soothe skin. Chefs kiss.
I’ll add more as I think of them but these are rockstars in my eyes. This is not to shade any black owned skin brands but at the end of the day it’s your face, you can’t just put w/e on it! These brands have products and ingredients I know, trust - & above all deliver results🤩
I forgot to limit who can reply so disclaimer in case brands get added to this thread: I can only vouch for what I added myself ❤️
And follow my skincare page on IG where I share info debunking skincare and my fave products!
You can follow @c0kahina.
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