What fresh hell is this? The UK Counter-Terrorism Commander just referred to a woman who travelled to join the Islamic State as a "bride," while in the same interview talking about the potential threat she poses. ANGRY THREAD: /n https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/shamima-begum-threat-neil-basu-antiterrorism-b320306.html
I honestly don't know how many times I have to explain this. Apparently n+1. Using this kind of language downplays the agency of the women who travelled to join the Islamic State, and risks further biasing counter-terrorism investigators assigned to assess their potential threat.
I expected better. This is not a new problem, and there's been a lot of research to support this perspective. Let's start with some alternative language. It's not hard, folks.
(adding this twitter thread to properly credit all the people who contributed to this handy list) https://twitter.com/JessMarinDavis/status/1097461247119892481?s=20
I guess I could yell at the internet some more but I'm just going to link to some research because I'm tired.
Does that make us less safe? YES. https://twitter.com/IntrepidPodcast/status/1337076877245210626
Anyway. If you're reporting on women who joint terrorist organizations, do better than minimizing their role and agency by calling them brides. And this is doubly true if you're responsible for keeping people safe.
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