This is a Thread - I found a really interesting quote talking about Healing being a life long process.

I saw it & I just couldn’t hold back from wanting to discuss it cause i disagree with that idea so much.

#JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #AgeofAquarius #Healing #DivineFeminine
Healing requires utmost patience because the process is to take time to get through every little root of a problem & pulling it out completely while also systematically feeding it the right code of information

#JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #AgeofAquarius #Healing #DivineFeminine
When you’re Healing, you’re working on healing the genetic codes in your system, it’s like repairing the DNA, after that process is completed, whatever you add to the body becomes additional knowledge.

#JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #AgeofAquarius #Healing #DivineFeminine
It’s kind of like Maintenance & Upgrade.

When you’ve completely removed an issue from your system the Healing process is complete. It doesn’t require more healing.

#JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #AgeofAquarius #Healing #DivineFeminine
So if you’re not really getting down to the root of a problem & healing that, then it’s a life long process of struggle.

It may take time & effort but try to get down to the core of a problem.

#JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #AgeofAquarius #Healing #DivineFeminine
If you find yourself grappling with blocks, it’s time to ask what you are overlooking & how you can resolve it for good.

#JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #AgeofAquarius #Healing #DivineFeminine
I’d also like to add that your DNA is not just you, it’s the generation of codes coming through both your parents, and they get it from their, and your grandparents get it from their parents.

#JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #AgeofAquarius #Healing #DivineFeminine
So when you heal your genetic code you’re healing générations worth of problems. But it’s important to sort through them so your kids receive an upgraded version of it.

This is how the Planet will HEAL.

#JusticeForSushantSinghRajput #AgeofAquarius #Healing #DivineFeminine
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