All My Strategies To Create Infinite Content

// THREAD //

This thread is not for you to copy other tweets, just to get ideas of what you understand.

This thread will show you how to get unlimited ideas.

This are my personal strategies with no intention to copy anyone.
1. Blogs & Books

Read blogs and books about the topics you are interested the most.

The best way to get knowledge is to read. From what you understand, get ideas of that.
2. Experiences & Opinions

We all have interesting experiences. Share them, even better if you use stories to share them.

Share your opinion, what do you think about an specific topic, encourage your followers to share theirs opinion in the comments.
3. Recycle Your Own Content

Do not recycle your own exact content. Go back and look the best preforming tweets you did.

Rewrite them with different words or styles. It works eventually but don't overwhelm this strategy.
4. Look For The Best Tweets

Go to the search tab, and write:

from:(any account tag) min_retweets:(any number you like)

There you'll find the best tweets of the account you put the tag. Please, do NOT copy their tweets, just get ideas from them and make your own. Works great.
5. Tweets From Threads

Find a great thread and save it.

Look it back in a few weeks, and make one tweet for some of the tweets inside the thread.

Again, do NOT copy, rewrite it or get ideas to use it your own.
6. Threads From Tweets

Find a great tweet and save it.

Look it back in a few weeks, and make a in-depth thread with more research about that topic.
*Bonus* Styles of Tweets

>> Lists
>> Polls
>> Threads
>> One-Liners
>> Two-Liners
>> Double lists
>> Caption this
>> Ask questions
>> Fill in the blank
>> Multiple choice
>> Unpopular opinion
>> Open-ended questions

Also, there are people that add images/videos/gifs.
Now that you know this stuff, learn to make some money through your account

How? Affiliate marketing

Why affiliate marketing?

- No need a lot of capital to start
- It is easier than ever nowadays
- I'll provide you all you need

Grab the blueprint here 
Thank you for reading!

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