“A graphic novel on every bookshelf” – that’s the motto of @RHKidsGraphic, the kids and YA graphic novel line from @randomhousekids, which I get to work on, with the amazing @whitleopard, @ppcrotty, @RoxieReads (and so many more people).
The @RHKidsGraphic list debuted in 2020, and as much as this year has been weird and terrible, it’s also highlighted how much has changed for kids comics in the fifteen years I’ve been in the industry.
I’m so happy for the successes of all the authors, teachers, librarians, booksellers, comic book sellers, and publishers who have worked incredibly hard over the years to put comics in the hands of the astonishing number of kids who are reading them today.
More kids are reading comics! More teens are reading comics! More adults are reading comics! More publishers are publishing comics! More creators are getting published! It’s awesome.
We made so many fantastic graphic novels by phenomenal authors this year at @RHKidsGraphic and @randomhousekids and JUST LOOK at how good they are.
There’s so much I love about Johan Troianowski’s THE RUNAWAY PRINCESS (edited by @WhitLeopard). Action-adventure girl protagonist! Interactive elements! But I love the colors the most: this book is so vibrant, everything pops off the page.
We could all use a good friend this year. You can look no further than @LauraKnetzger’s BUG BOYS (edited by @WhitLeopard) for a wonderful model in Rhino-B and Stag-B. They’re the nicest!
Izzy is my favorite character! This is because sisters are always the best. And she’s very awesome in HILO: ALL THE PIECES FIT, by @juddwinick (edited by @shanacorey, from @randomhousekids).
How can you resist all of these amazing historical women? And all of these amazing cartoonists? It is impossible, and therefore you should all read @Kazoomagazine’s NOISEMAKERS, edited by Julia Maguire and @dinovisms, from @KnopfBFYR.
My favorite character: the scientist-mom. My second favorite character: the fox. @ThomPico and @Karensac’s world building in ASTER AND THE ACCIDENTAL MAGIC (edited by @WhitLeopard) means every single detail in this universe is a delight.
You know what I like best about @jessizabarsky’s WITCHLIGHT (edited by @WhitLeopard)? At the end, they all get together and have food. Obviously this is the ideal conclusion of any queer magical fantasy adventure!
I’ve known @lucyknisley for a decade now, and her books keep getting better and better! I love this latest, STEPPING STONES (edited by @WhitLeopard) for its depiction of a difficult grownups, and (as always) adorable cats.
It is the age-old drama: PIZZA AND TACO: WHO’S THE BEST? Now propounded by @SShaksan, and edited by Heidi Kilgras, from @randomhousekids.

I can’t lie: I’m voting for Pizza.
I always look forward to a new volume of the 5 WORLDS series from @marksiegelbooks, Alexis Siegel, @xoxobouma, @mcrockefeller, and @boyaboyasun (edited by Diane Landolf, from @randomhousekids). And now I can’t wait for the next one!
Being a teenager is tough, and I’m reminded of that all over again every time I read @joepi’s SUNCATCHER (edited by @WhitLeopard). Opening the pages of this book sucks me back into the pressure and drama of high school priority balancing!
This year is a year full of emotions, and Drew, the protagonist of @chadsell01’s DOODLEVILLE (edited by @dinovisms, from @KnopfBFYR), has to tackle her own feelings (plus art that keeps accidentally coming to life). We’ve all been there!
I love @jeffreybrownrq’s cats and mammoths and now he's out of this world in ONCE UPON A SPACE TIME (edited by Phoebe Yeh, from Crown Books for Young Readers). I’m rooting for these kid adventurers to revolutionize the space program.
Can you be a successful fantasy adventurer when your tools are kindness and friendship? @andicomics thinks yes, and that’s what unfolds in KERRY AND THE KNIGHT OF THE FOREST (edited by @WhitLeopard). Be a friend, save the day: I am in favor.
Magic, queer characters, teen drama – @AproposNothing and @montadrew’s THE MONTAGUE TWINS (edited by Julia Maguire and @dinovisms, from @KnopfBFYR) has SO MANY things to love in it, and that’s not even mentioning the charming art.
I fell in love with @proteidaes’ adorable human-fruit hybrid characters the first time I saw them! I’m so glad she’s turned them into CRABAPPLE TROUBLE (edited by @WhitLeopard) – an amazing story about dealing with anxiety.
Fantasyland is not what it seems? Sign me up! @JCPhillipps’ PACEY PACKER: UNICORN TRACKER (edited by @shanacorey, from @randomhousekids) has such a fun skeptical main character – and also SO MANY unicorns, it’s awesome.
I love the aunts in @essoffi’s WITCHES OF BROOKLYN (edited by @WhitLeopard)! They’re old and cranky – AND they apologize when they make a mistake. Effie is lucky to have them – and I hope you all have aunts like this in your lives too.
A shark and a robot seem like unlikely friends – and these two are no exception! Despite challenges, @AuthorYanish’s SHARK AND BOT (edited by @MichelleNagler, from @randomhousekids) work it out, complete with playground dance moves!
In SÉANCE TEA PARTY, @reimenayee (with editor @WhitLeopard) captures the absolute unfairness of having to grow up, with a girl and a ghost who make up the two halves of an awesome friendship story. (With wonderful, organic artwork.)
I love these squirrels. Who can ask for a better friend than someone who will pull off a heist caper for you when you need a doughnut? @mikasongdraws’ DONUT FEED THE SQUIRRELS (edited by @WhitLeopard) will come through for you every time.
There are days when you need help from a superhero, and I’d have MAX MEOW’s scientist friend Mindy (who always has a plan) give me a hand any day. This story by @johnbgallagher (edited by @shanacorey, from @randomhousekids) is a lot of fun!
The Magic Fish by @trungles (edited by @WhitLeopard) is the first book I ever bought for @RHKidsGraphic. And it makes me cry when I read it (in a good way). When you are ready to have all the emotions, this is the book for you.
Adults are always a problem, and that’s what @zenpencils explores in his adventure SUPER SIDEKICKS: NO ADULTS ALLOWED (edited by @Polo_Orozco_, from @randomhousekids). This book is silly and fun and – yay! – there will be more soon.
And one hybrid book! @LincolnPeirce’s MAX AND THE MIDNIGHTS stories (edited by Phoebe Yeh at Crown Books for Young Readers) are exactly the kind of girl-becoming-a-knight adventures I loved as a kid.
Thank you to all the readers who have picked up these 2020 graphic novels and found something that spoke to them within the pages. I’m so proud to be able to share the work of these amazing authors with you!
You can follow @_GinaGagliano.
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