"Armenian Traditional Foods"

Lets look into the origin of some #armenian traditional foods.
The meaning of names and where they originally come from
1. Lets start from DOLMA,
the word comes from Turkic language that means filled/filling. Since it is made by filling in of eggplant/grape leaves or tomatoes.
in armenian there doesnt exist even a word called Dolma. But food is called "Armenian Dolma"
2. Lavash is a Persian word means "thin bread" but the food itself somehow claimed as Armenian
3. Lahmacun - the word comes from Arabic which means meaty paste. Widely used in middle east. Armenians call it "Armenian Pizza"
4. Pastirma- it is a pure Turkic meal and word. The word means suppress or press since it is made so. Some ancient historians such as Filippo Argenti mentioned it in its book about Turks.
5. Manti- is very famous food among all Turks including Uygur Turks. This meal adopted into Chinese and Korean kitchens, as well, as it is. In Chinese it is called "Mantu".
But it is somehow armenian national food 🤔
6. Lule Kebab - everyone knows where the Kebab comes from. Lule in Turkic means "nozzle". Since Kebab's shape looks like a rifle nozzle. It is called Lule Kebab
7. Chiy Kofte- literally means "raw meatball" in Turkish. It is made by spices and by small portion of raw meat. Its history is ancient and widely used in Middle East
8. Baklava - this does even NOT require an explanation.
It is very famous Turkish Dessert
Neither of above mentioned food names are available in Armenian Language. They didnt even bother themselves at least to change the names
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