(2 of 10)
Who remembers Scotty saying “As much as it's lovely to have visitors to Australia in good times, at times like this, if you are a visitor in this country, it is time to make your way home.”
(3 of 10)
Mr Morrison said to those in Australia who are here under various visa arrangements and cannot support themselves that "there is the alternative for them to return to their home countries".
What’s our alternative, how do #strandedAussies have to get home Scotty???
(4 of 10)
Scotty It’s so ironic that you now have Australian Citizens stuck around the world because of your flight caps, unemployed, broke, destitute, who CAN’T return home. Worse that you don't care, and now some of them are taking their own lives because of it.
(5 of 10)
But you made a point in saying to workers, students and other temporary visa holders in Australia in your April 3rd presser that these people should return home to “receive the supports where they are available in your home country”
(6 of 10)
So, with his flight caps, and thousands of #strandedAussies across the world #ScottyFromMarketing now expects these same countries [that he forced students and temporary visa holders to return to] to now provide support and care for #strandedAussies???
(7 of 10)
You do realize that Australians on Temporary visas in other countries are NOT ENTITLED to “economic supports” from their host country either…
(8 of 10)
Then you had the nerve to say “At this time Australia must focus on its citizens and its residents to ensure that we can maximise the economic supports that we have”

Seems that didn't include ALL of your Citizens and permanent residents did it Scotty???
(9 of 10)
You’re a peach Scotty and you will be remembered for your words, and the deaths of #standedAussies you’ve now caused because of your policies and flight caps.
(10 of 10)
Here is a good thread to read, it's long but so is Scotty's nose after all the lies he tells.
@KKeneally @SenatorWong @01moredave @removethecaps @adventure_ali_ @abcbrisbane @DrewInSeAsia @ChicharronaDos @empower90_goals @GuardianAus @smh @UNHumanRights @amnestyOz
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