Russia broke into multiple government agencies. They've been carrying out assassinations.

They need to be confronted. Not with sanctions, but with action.

Give Moscow a blackout for a month.

And send troops into Crimea.
This is a war and it's insanity that we are just sweeping it aside.

If someone breaks into my house and starts stealing all my stuff, I'm gonna beat the ever-loving God out of them have until they can't walk.
Russia keeps doing this shit because they know we're all talk.

It's past time someone assassinated their FSB members.
There cannot simply be an economic response to a nation that does not abide by any law or code of honor.

It must be a military response.
You want to do sanctions, fine: then make them the most devastating sanctions ever devised.

Better yet, embargo them.

And take out their APT28 members and the poisoner cell.
We've labeled tiny little nations no one can point to on the map, but we haven't labeled the biggest state sponsor of terrorism what it is.
When we dropped the bombs on Japan, they swore off war and dismantled their armies.

They were instantly pacified.

Need to do something that has the same effect for this nation of corrupt thugs and poisoners.
Russia has been acting with impunity, and if you think this is a Trump only phenomenon, you're wrong.

They walked all over Obama too.
Russia has been fucking with this country for nearly 100 years now.

And for God knows how long to its poor neighbors.
The difference is sometime around the dissolution of the Soviet Union, they realized they could never defeat us militarily.

So they've been trying to core us out from within.

Hacking, assassinations, moving into American occupied spaces, attacking allies. Recruiting traitors.
Snowden, Assange, the radicalization of the right through manipulating their latent prejudices and religion via sowing conspiracy theories.

All of that was Russia.
They don't fight fair. They're cowards.

But they're cowards that have to be stomped on.
You want to know where the moon landing conspiracies came from?


The Soviet Union was insanely jealous and propagated them, just like modern-day Russia with the Olympics.

Virtually every conspiracy theory of the past 80 years has been created by them.
The Soviet Union was behind one of the largest antisemitic smear campaigns of Jews in history.
Russia's co-opting of troll culture and infiltration of Chan boards is another hugely detrimental problem.

They go in like snakes and cultivate angry, lonely people and foment hatred and violence.
I briefly touched on this above, but their infiltration of the Christian right is a stranglehold.

They cultivated a misinformed alliance between Evangelicals based on white identity and fear of cultural change.
And when Russia can't make ground with their more discrete methods, they simply pay stupid Americans who care about nothing but themselves, like Khalek, Norton, Blumenthal, Halper, Ball, to sell their bullshit to the ignorant, the young, and the impressionable.
Russia's penchant for using digital currencies like Bitcoin is well established:

It's extremely hard to track, and is used to pay everyone from their informants to their hitmen.
The weirdo Buchaninite "libertarians" like Ron Paul and the Musk/Rogan sphere?

They have their hooks into them big time. And at least the latter two are oblivious to it.
Russia succeeds by appealing to bigotry, but there is an even more effective and insidious way they bring people under their sway.

And that is by subtly twisting ideological ideals and tenets to their purpose.
For example, they twisted the right's views on state's rights and self-determination to attack the European Union, to gain support for annexing Crimea.

Brexit? That was them too.
To justify their annexation of Crimea, they corrupted American ideas like Manifest Destiny and sovereignty.

They pointed to Hawaii.
This is a nation that will only get bolder with our inaction.

We must act. Forcefully.
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