This story is awful in its own right -- but also, I need people to stop and think about the underlying "bad tip" aka the reason the City refuses to require CPD to give people phone calls w/in an hour of arrest. +
As everyone in the city should be aware by now - but we keep pretending otherwise - the Chicago Police Department has a history of holding people in incommunicado detention for little/nothing and saying the price of freedom is a tip about someone with a gun. +
See this part of the story? What do you think this is talking about? Someone WILLINGLY getting in the back seat of a squad car and riding around with police to perform a proactive report of an issue of concern? You think this is what happens if you dial 911? LOL. +
The reason police don't want to write down the reason they couldn't let someone make a phone call is that they have no intention of stopping practices like these, which are custom-designed to produce many bad tips. Which of course should not result in a raid, but do. +
But, if you care about police being required to follow the law? Even the "good tips" are bad tips. /end
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